Contact Number: +64 2150 4774
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
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There is a problem with too much “NEET-ness”

There is a term used by government agencies all around the developed world to describe young people who are disconnected to education and employment.  The term NEET is an acronym for young people Not in Education, Employment or Training.  Different countries have...

100,000 children short-changed in NZ schools

More that one in every ten children in New Zealand is currently being systemically underserved in education and the Minister and the Ministry is unable or unwilling to do anything about it.  This amounts to institutionalised discrimination and it would be completely...

GCHQ Dyslexia employees

The special role for adults with dyslexia in the workplace A recent article in the Guardian once again highlighted the special skills of people with dyslexia and how workplaces are currently missing out on a very important productive resource. The item is entitled...

Discrimination in education

Why do we continue to deliver a discriminatory education to so many children? The burning question that remains unanswered is “knowing what we now know, and have known for some time, why are we forcing children with dyslexia through an education system that has a...