Dyslexia Professional Development & Training NZ
The ongoing professional development and training for staff is a key way to maintain a vibrant and progressive organisation. Understanding neurodiversity and dyslexia is an ideal topic for inhouse professional development of staff. A minimum of 10 percent of the staff at any organisation will have dyslexia and another 5% will have other neurodiverse conditions, like ADHD, Dyscalculia and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Harnessing the special skills and talents that most neurodiverse/dyslexic people possess is a valuable and productive goal for any organisation. Companies in a post Covid world will need to harness all the human resource at their disposal to realise the full potential of the workforce.
Mike at Hidden Talents can develop a bespoke session, or sessions, to enrich your staff’s understanding of diversity and dyslexia.
Workshops can be generic sessions to assist the workforce understand all the features of neurodiversity/dyslexia, or they can be specialist sessions addressing some of the other aspects of the whole neurodiverse world.
Specialist sessions can be provided on: –
- The positive features of neurodiversity/dyslexia and how to harness them.
- Making the best of all the very special assistive technology that is available to assistive neurodiverse/dyslexic people with text and other things they struggle with.
- The full suite of neurodiverse conditions, how to recognise them and how to address them.