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Positive Dyslexia




It is important for people who have dyslexia – and those who work with them – to understand that Dyslexia is a neurological difference and that it comes with many positive features of dyslexia as well as challenges.

Many of the world’s most creative and successful people are dyslexic.  They do not achieve in spite of their dyslexia, they achieve because of it.  There are some very creative and high achieving people who are known to be dyslexic.

The features

No two dyslexic people are the same.  Each person will have their own individual challenges and each will have their own combination of advantages.  In some cases a feature which is a challenge in some situations is an advantage in others.

Research from around the world reveals that dyslexic people often demonstrate the following talents and skills.

  • Strong visual, spatial and 3-D skills
  • Often very good at building things and solving puzzles
  • Demonstrate innovative, creative “out of the box” type thinking. Are often able to jump straight to the solution.
  • Strong reasoning skills. Often able to understand abstract ideas.
  • Many adults with dyslexia are able to see patterns that are not obvious to regular people. Many are able to see connections and similarities that others do not see.
  • Often able to see the big picture. Don’t not get bogged down with details.
  • Often able to see patterns, connections and relationships that others do not see
  • Often very empathetic, with a high level of emotional intelligence. Many are great at “reading people”.
  • Often have strong verbal communication skills.
  • Known to be imaginative and curious.
  • Often able to generate a large number of ideas and thoughts.
  • Known to be great at collaboration and co-operative activities. Therefore are great team members.
  • Often very driven, ambitious and persistent. Project focused.
  • Known to excel in activities not dependent on text – like advanced Mathematics, Computing, visual arts, performing arts.
  • Often achieve excellence when focused on a highly specialised area.
  • Many end up at successful entrepreneurs. (Dyslexia is over represented in the worlds self- made millionaires and billionaires.)


Sometimes a dyslexic challenge can be an advantage in different circumstances.

It is known that people with dyslexia take longer for repeated routine tasks to become automatic.  Because of this dyslexic people may have to tackle routine tasks with more “mindfulness”.  The outcome of this is that dyslexic people often innovate and experiment while doing tasks that other people do without thinking.